Class 12 Accountancy NCERT Sol

by StudySolutions



NCERT Solutions for Class 12 Accountancy 1st and 2nd includes all the questions provided in NCERT Books for 12th Class Accountancy Subject. Here all questions are solved with detailed explanation and available for free to check.Class 12 Accountancy 1Chapter 1: Accounting for Not-for-Profit OrganisationChapter 2: Accounting for Partnership : Basic ConceptsChapter 3: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Admission of a PartnerChapter 4: Reconstitution of a Partnership Firm – Retirement/Death of a PartnerChapter 5: Dissolution of Partnership FirmClass 12 Accountancy 2Chapter 1: Accounting For Share CapitalChapter 2: Issue And Redemption Of DebenturesChapter 3: Financial Statements Of A CompanyChapter 4: Analysis Of Financial StatementsChapter 5: Accounting RatiosChapter 6: Cash Flow Statement